Category: Healthcare

Private Consultations

If you can afford to consult a psychiatrist privately, you have many options to choose from. There are organizations where you can get help in the UK: British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, UK Council for Psychotherapy, British Psychoanalytic Council, British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy, British Psychological Society,…

CBT-Based Self-Help

In this article, Sirius will tell you about cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and self-help in a crisis situation. Today, this method comes to the fore among other psychotherapeutic methods. What is cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy? This trend was formed in the United States under the influence of the work of Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck. Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy…

DBT Coping Skills

The lives of people with borderline personality disorder are often filled with irrational thoughts, problems in relationships, self-damaging behavior, and chronic suicidality. In this article, Sirius Project will discuss dialectical behavioral therapy. If you are a new visitor to this website, go to the main page to find out what is Sirius.

Challenging Irrational Thoughts

Nothing can spoil a beautiful day faster than negative irrational яthoughts. They take precedence over positive thoughts because of the unconscious preference of a person to focus on what is going or can go wrong, instead of seeing the best in a situation. Sometimes it is the result of frequent failures in the past when…

Create a Crisis Plan

The main goal of the crisis plan is to learn to track the approach of a crisis and either to prevent it or reduce its consequences in different ways. A little more about this crisis plan: It is universal. Every person has his own concept of crisis: for someone, a crisis is a suicidal mood,…

How to Cope with Self-Harm: Tips and Distractions

Self-harm can be a way to solve problems. It helps to express feelings that are difficult to describe, to distance oneself from one’s life and free up emotional pain. After physical pain, the person feels better – at least for a while. But then the heartache and the desire to hurt yourself physically return. In…

Self-Injury: A Quick Guide to the Basics

Many people associate self-harm with cutting oneself. In fact, there are much more types of auto-aggressive behavior (that is, actions when a person deliberately hurts himself). Some of them are even socially approved and people do not recognize them as self-harm. There are still no uniform criteria for what is self-harm. My Canadian Pharmacy uses…

First Aid and Harm Reduction

Self-harm (auto-aggression) is self-cutting, sticking needles, burning with a cigarette, tearing out hair, self-scratching and so on. Self-harming is most often an attempt to get rid of mental discomfort (fear, strong anxiety, self-hatred) and evidence of serious psychological problems. It is not the same as suicide, but a person can seriously get hurt, even if…

Surviving Relapse: How to Prevent Self-Harm Recurrence?

Self-harm is most often an attempt to get rid of mental discomfort (fear, strong anxiety, self-hatred) and evidence of serious psychological problems. Self-harm of this kind is not intended to kill oneself, it only helps to alleviate and cope with strong emotions, by means of causing oneself physical pain consciously. The most effective treatment is…