UK Crisis Services

If you’re in the UK and you need help urgently because of a mental health problem, you should do one of the following:

  • Ring your GP surgery and ask for an urgent appointment. If the surgery is closed, you should get a message with details of the on-call doctor or out-of-hours service.
  • Ring a helpline for support and/or advice. Some helplines can also put you in touch with local services – Saneline is one of those. Or you could visit your nearest Samaritans branch in person.
  • Go to your nearest Accident & Emergency department and ask to see the duty psychiatrist. You don’t need to have actually injured yourself.
  • Contact any mental health crisis service that you know of in your area.

Unfortunately, Mind no longer publish a list of crisis services open to self-referrals. Their Crisis Services Factsheet gives some general information on crisis services and an idea of what may be available, but no specific contacts.

If you’ve already self-harmed and need medical treatment, go straight to your nearest A&E department. See our First Aid page for further information.