Online Support

Sirius Project Forums & Chat
Our own message boards and chat room are open to anyone who is trying to overcome self-harm. We don’t just focus on simply stopping self-harm, but on finding alternative ways to cope, and on tackling the issues that caused or lead up to the self-harm in the first place.

Although our main focus is on self-injury, people who are trying to overcome other forms of self-harm, such as eating disorders and drug or alcohol misuse, are very welcome. People who have recovered from self-injury or related issues are also more than welcome.

Please take a moment to read our guidelines before posting.

Other Forums & Chat Rooms
One of the biggest self-harm support communities on the internet. Whether you want help in reducing or stopping your self-harm, or you just aren’t ready yet, everyone is welcome.

LifeSIGNS Message Board
A UK-based message board for those who self-injure.

Something Fishy – Remember It Hurts
Bulletin board offering support for people with eating disorders.
Discussion board that focuses on recovery from borderline personality disorder.