Drink & Drugs

Some people who self-injure also turn to alcohol or drugs as a way of coping. Others may find that even recreational use makes their self-harm worse. The links on this page provide information about the effects of drugs and alcohol and sources of help.

Understanding the Psychological Effects of Street Drugs
General information on drugs (including alcohol) and how they may affect you.

Understanding Addiction and Dependency
Information on addiction and the help available.

Talk to Frank
Advice, information and support on substance misuse.

Sources of Help

Alcoholics Anonymous
Self-help groups for people with a drink problem.

Narcotics Anonymous
Groups for recovering addicts or those who think they may have a drug problem.

Moderation Management
Self-help groups (both face-to-face and online) for people who would like to cut down their drinking to a healthy amount.

Down Your Drink
A six-week online programme for those who want to cut down on the amount they drink.

Turning Point
Provides help to people with drink or drug problems in the UK.