Overcoming self-harm isn’t just about stopping doing it. It’s about finding better ways to cope and addressing the thoughts, feelings and situations that lead up to self-harm in the first place. You might well be thinking, “Why bother to stop hurting myself if I’m still going to feel just as miserable?” If so, this page is for you! The ideas here aren’t just short-term strategies for surviving without self-harm – they’re long-term solutions for improving your mental health.
You might also want to look at our Related Issues section for tips on coping with depression, anxiety and other mental health problems.
Specific to Self-Harm
How to stop hurting yourself
Includes practical advice on how to challenge the thoughts and feelings that lead up to self-harm. (You’ll need to scroll down a bit to find this.)
Using rational emotive therapy to control anger
This exercise is good for all forms of freak-out – anger, panic or just feeling like you can’t cope! Includes an example of how it can be applied to SI.
Free Online CBT & DBT Programmes
These free online courses aim to teach you the same coping skills you would learn in CBT or DBT therapy. (For more information about CBT and DBT, see our Treatment page.)
Living Life to the Full
A free online CBT course for anyone who thinks they may benefit.
The MoodGYM
Another online CBT course. Quite a flashy site.
Depression Center
An online CBT self-help programme for overcoming depression. They also run one for anxiety and panic attacks called Panic Center.
DBT Class
A free online DBT class, aimed at people with borderline personality disorder.
Other Self-Help Sites
DBT Self-Help
Lots of self-help ideas, exercises, worksheets etc based on dialectical behavioural therapy.
Aimed at those with borderline personality disorder, but people with any form of mental health problem are welcome. Provides some self-help tools and a forum where you can discuss using them.
How To…
A range of online booklets from the UK charity Mind which aim to help people improve their mental health and prevent mental distress.
Online manuals for coping with life’s stressors.
Soul’s Self-Help Central
Lots of self-help articles, aimed at those with BPD and with a spiritual focus.